Let’s install these certificates back to our nodes. Go to Configuration -> Certificates. Controllers tab. We here select the node line and click on Install Certificate on the top right corner:


We will get this first task schedule to deploy the certificate:


And a few seconds later the success message:


We need one last thing run on the CLI. Activate the pertinent tunnel interfaces on each node.

For vManage:

vManage# conf t
 Entering configuration mode terminal  
vManage(config)# vpn 0
 vManage(config-vpn-0)# int eth1
 vManage(config-interface-eth1)# tunnel-interface
 vManage(config-tunnel-interface)# exit
 vManage(config-interface-eth1)# exit
 vManage(config-vpn-0)# exit
 vManage(config)# exit
 Uncommitted changes found, commit them? [yes/no/CANCEL] yes
 Commit complete.

Same procedure for the remaining nodes will take us to this status:

For vSmart:

vSmart# conf t
 Entering configuration mode terminal  
vSmart (config)# vpn 0
 vSmart (config-vpn-0)# int eth1
 vSmart (config-interface-eth1)# tunnel-interface
vSmart (config-tunnel-interface)# end
 Uncommitted changes found, commit them? [yes/no/CANCEL] yes
 Commit complete.

And vBond:

vBond# conf t  
 Entering configuration mode terminal  
vBond (config)# vpn 0  
  vBond (config-vpn-0)# int ge0/0
  vBond (config-interface-eth1)# tunnel-interface
  vBond (config-interface-eth1)# encapsulation ipsec  
  vBond (config-tunnel-interface)# end  
Uncommitted changes found, commit them? [yes/no/CANCEL] yes  
Commit complete.

Let’s have a look at the cluster status as of now:


As we can see we have an UP state for all he cluster connections. Which means good!

This translated into our vManage GUI looks like:


We see that our vBond and vSmart nodes came up, so everything looks fine so far.

Upcoming next we will see how to connect vEdge and cEdge devices, the complete onboarding process for these nodes will be shown.

Tune in soon…